1. We have all had those days where the kids are cranky and our patience is stretched to it’s limits. I just have to remember to breathe and count my blessings. They are only going to be this young one time. And soon they will be out of the house and I will miss them like crazy. Love the post. Thanks!

  2. I know it probably wasn’t funny to you at the time, but I read Emily’s quote about being all done with consequences and I laughed. And then almost cried because oh no, it’s coming for me, I can already see it. Bine just needs to learn the words, and then I’ll hear the same darn thing. And then I told Tyler and he laughed too. So thanks for making us smile. 🙂

  3. I think it is great you are sticking to your consequences. My children would love to be done with consequences as well. I am trying to help them see that if they make a good choice there is a consequence and if you make a bad choice…..blah blah blah. I think it will help them take responsibility for their actions and you have to start young. We have missed lots of play dates through totally ridiculous behaviour and I expect that will long continue but I am respecting their right to make their own mistakes.

    I agree that it is hard to find time in the day for God but it is so important. This week it is in my head as I am de-cluttering my house ready for back-to-homeschool next week but after their will be a physical space without piles of stuff and I will be back to normal.

    I don’t think I could contemplate my day, let alone my life, without the help of God. He blesses us in so many ways and I constantly chat to him in my head because I want to bring Him into all of my life. Especially the bits where I can’t find stuff, God always knows where my stuff is. I rarely do. Lol.

  4. LOVE this post!! I need my morning time alone with God too- I feel so scattered and lost without it. I love to journal also to keep my thoughts and prayers together. Thank you for all of the encouragement in your blog- I appreciate it!

  5. Yes! It is NEEDED time. So worth making the space for it. I see a huge difference when I don’t get it. It is much harder to juggle the timing with two kids, so don’t expect to have it as much in the beginning, but you will get there. 🙂 Scott’s family is in Yuba City, by the way, so we come to Sacramento about once a year. It would be fun to figure out a way to see you sometime. I hope that you guys are happy with the move!

    1. I’d love that!! Let me know when you’ll be around!

  6. I can relate to so many things in the post. I’ve never experienced pregnancy brain, but I get mushy momma brain. Spicy chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A do help. Now, if my town would just get a CFA. We have battles of wills here too. They pass, thankfully. And, yes, my mornings have been my saving grace – and I’m not even a morning person. So thankful for your words here.

    1. Mushy momma brain. Yes, that too! I’m so sorry your town doesn’t have a CFA. It was one thing about our new city that makes my heart happy. 🙂

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