1. Well, that made me cry. Mine are home ed’ed and I am learning about resting and taking care of myself and that is beautifully put. It is going straight to the place of honour, which very few things make it to in our house, my fridge door. So, I can remind myself a million times a day as I attempt to fill those hungry tummies. Thank you.

  2. Lovely. even for the moms of kids who are a little older. 🙂

  3. You have no idea how much I needed to read this. I have 2 daughters, a soon to be 3 year old and a 16 month old. I’ve been battling cancer for a long time and was finally told last Fall that I’m cancer free! I had to have a bone marrow transplant to put me in remission and I’m still recovering from that. I just found out that I’m pregnant with #3. But despite the fact that I’m still recovering, I still try to get everything done and I am so tired. Your post had me in tears. Thank you so much!

    1. Oh, I just saw this post and my heart goes out to you! Yes, REST, mama – you deserve it!!!!

  4. Please listen to Brian Doerksen, Canadian worship leader, husband, father as he sings, Enter the Rest of God. He has a beautiful family, a deep relationship with the Father and knows the meaning of Rest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFFa-C95RSU
    Pursuing Rest is a journey for me and part of the joy of being His Kids. Remember, “this is my Son, with whom I am pleased…” He hadn’t “done” anything yet. Thanks so your Series and take good care of you!love from Canada, kelly

  5. So. Much. Truth. Here.

    Thanks for this real, brave and practical post! Hope you’re resting well, friend.

  6. Beautiful, and exactly what I needed to hear today! It is so easy to get caught up in our duties and the responsibilities we have as mothers. Thank you for reminding me that there’s nothing wrong with resting!

  7. The pressure to not rest comes from us and the world-view that we have been taught that busyness is success. If we rest it is seen as weak by the world. Thank you for putting this so tenderly. I remember the days when my kids were babies and it’s so important that we make time for ourselves and rest so that we can be all that we need to be for them. Blessings to you as you rest during your pregnancy.

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