1. Meredith Bunker says:

    Ahh, I knew from the first blog post I read, that I really liked you. I felt like someone really understood me! Now, I am convinced more and more. I was also that 4 year old, and it continued to adulthood, because I didn’t want the consequences of poor choices, so I wasn’t going to make them. Imagine my surprise when I got married and lived with a real husband and children – how others’ choices could affect me. My other mantra has been, “If I can just make this work out on paper, maybe I can make it work.” I can get very overwhelmed with my expectations of me, but God is working always to clear my focus. So there are plenty of lessons I am learning as well.

    As a word of encouragement, you’ve reached our hearts through your real-life sharing. I suspect this series to be challenging for you. You are giving us a gift. God works beautifully when we don’t white-wash our lives, but share our truths – painful, messy, or difficult truth. In these stories, others can be so encouraged in their own wounded places to see how BIG God is and the amazing plans HE has for healing and redeeming in our souls. And who doesn’t long to have our messy places redeemed to beauty that reminds us all our HOPE is Him.

    Praying for you. Grateful for you and this ministry of encouragement God has given you.

  2. Oh Kayse, I so relate to this! I am a control freak at heart, but God has used motherhood to teach me to rely on Him. I did not have a smooth pregnancy or delivery or postpartum either.

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