1. Joanna Darden says:

    Really the only color coding system I’ve ever done is the one Katie Orr does. Sometimes I get bogged down in the system because I’m afraid of putting the wrong color. Lol I need simple for my little simple mind. lol. I do like your system and will have to try it out. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I do take notes in my Bible. I highlight, put question marks if the verse just doesn’t seem to make sense to me, say things like, “Ooooh am I doing this?” or “Woops, I really need some work here!” , draw something or use stickers to highlight on the verse, jot down a hymn or song title that reminds me of the verse. I drew pants to remind me about a sermon we once had and my granddaughter when quite young asked me about it and then proceeded to draw pants all over the cover. Someone once asked me what the deal was with all the pants and I told how they came to be and she said, it was a mess. I said, my Bible is my story and my mess and not to worry about my Bible. It’s me and sometimes I am messy.” Others have said “Gee that’s really cool!”

    1. I love that! No one needs to comment on your Bible – it’s such a personal item!!

  3. Wow Thank you so much, I just love this system and I will apply it today !!

  4. I used to right after I got baptized. I was studying our 28 beliefs and searching for verses about waiting on the lord etc… finding favorite verses etc… I color coded as well. Red was God’s character/ revealing who he is, orange was guidance words and commands, yellow was hopeful words, green was God’s plan of salvation (Jesus- How to get there by the word of God), blue was promises, purple was warnings… I miss those days. It was over 10 years ago. 😞 thanks for your ministry Kayse. God bless you and your family.

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