1. I compleagree with you! I think to ,yield daily that our society needs to slow dow, free up more time, and stop trying to cram more things in their already busy lives. We must be careful how we spend our time. I cringe when I hear kids playing more than one sport with siblings and two working parents. How do mothers have time and energy to cook nutritious meals for their families? Do they ever eat together? How available are the parents to their children? I must write about this very topic on my own blog!

  2. Great message for today’s culture! In our family we intentionally do not enroll our children in very many extra curricular activities. This is for a few reasons: our budget doesn’t allow for all of the extra expenses, we want to make sure they get enough sleep at night and aren’t out late, and, finally, we want to spend most of our evenings together at home. This makes us the “oddballs” among our peers, but I think it is totally worth it!

  3. Love this! I am right there with you in both believing in this but struggling to implement it. I feel like I look at my schedule/to-do list over and over and over again trying to eliminate the unimportant from my life, but it’s hard when I feel like I’ve done that so much and there’s not much left to remove (unfortunately, as much as I’d like to say I’ll just skip washing dishes or doing laundry, it’s not a very practical solution.)

    I think, like you mention, the key is just to do the stuff that maters the most and the other stuff will fall into place.

  4. Perfectly said! I encourage young mothers, newlyweds, recent college grads, that you don’t need nor can you have it all while remaining sane and happy. I struggled with this as a first time, working mom, 21 years ago. I’m so happy to see you write this today, there is hope for attitude change for my daughter. Hugs, Lori

    1. I forgot to mention…. homeschooling….. just because “everyone” is doing it, doesn’t mean you should. As a teacher of emotionally impaired high school students and mom of a, now, college student, i urge homeschooling families to please socialize your children. They need a diverse expierience, more than their family and church friends. Blessed Be

  5. I’ve been feeling / hearing this A LOT lately – and have even mentioned it in a previous blog comment and the Enjoy Your Life course! Having a baby has REALLY thrown our family dynamic for a TOTAL LOOP. My husband and I both have VERY flexible schedules, so in the past, we would be busy / gone from home at the same times, and ALWAYS have our evenings together to do whatever we chose, even if it was just hang out and do nothing. Our sweet son has really changed that. We aren’t using daycare, so we spend a majority of the day apart (I go to work and he stays home, I get home and he goes to get whatever he is doing done) and regroup HOPEFULLY for dinner, but even that doesn’t always work out. I have been praying, and working really hard on getting organized, and prioritized, because there JUST ISNT enough time in the day anymore like there used to be.


  6. I absolutely love this post! The Lord has really been putting this on my heart, and I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in prayer and reflection. I find that I am often MORE busy now that I am homeschooling our children (with all of the great curriculum choices and activities out there), and I really need to step back and reevaluate our choices. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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